Information about Baptism for:

Baptism for Infants

Catholic faith requires parents to baptise their children as soon as possible after birth. Arrangements may even be made before your child is born.

To apply to have your infant child baptised, please collection an application form from Reception during office hours.

  1. You will be invited to a preparation session. These are held once a month on Sunday afternoons. If you have had another child baptised in our parish in the last two years you do not need to attend again.
  2. Before a date for baptism can be set, one parent must produce their own baptismal certificate. If neither parent has a baptismal certificate, one of you will need to apply to the parish of your baptism for a new copy.
  3. In our parish up to four children are Baptised together on Saturday mornings at 11.30am.
Our parish volunteer Baptism Coordinator is Mrs Helena McGoohan. She can usually be contacted at the presbytery on Wednesday afternoons, or by email: .

Baptism for Children Aged 5 and Older

Please keep up to date by reading the newsletter and or contacting the Catechetical Coordinator

For baptism for children aged 5 and older, please complete the ‘Baptismal Application Form for an Older Child’ obtainable from Reception. Once your application form is received, you will be contacted with respect to preparation for the Sacrament.

1.       We encourage children to receive some sort of catechesis to help them prepare to receive this sacrament. If classes are available at the time of application, the catechists will assign them to one.

2.       Parents must also attend a baptismal preparation course (1 hour) which is usually run on a Saturday afternoon.

3.       Before a date for baptism can be agreed, one parent must produce their own baptismal certificate. If neither parent has a baptismal certificate, one of you will need to apply to the parish of your baptism for a new copy.

We are always on the lookout for enthusiastic people to train as catechists to help deliver our youth based sacramental programmes.  If you would be interested in joining our team please contact

Baptism for Adults

For information about being baptised as an adult in our parish, please see the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

Any of the priests of the parish will be happy to meet with you. Please contact reception.