This Week

The Baptism of The Lord

Bits and Pieces

Firstly, I sincerely hope that the Jubilee or Holy Year of 2025 has begun well for all parishioners. This year of grace is, as I explained last weekend, a significant and poignant anniversary of the birth of Our Lord.  Along with the children in St George’s Catholic Primary School last week, I was marvelling at the realisation that the way in which we number the years, is due entirely to the birth of Christ.  He truly is the turning point of history.  Let us not forget.  Thanks be to God.

Last weekend, I spoke briefly about the Jubilee Indulgence which can be obtained throughout the Holy Year.   Please see the Diocesan Website:  for further details.

There will be more to follow in regard to the Jubilee. Meanwhile, I encourage parishioners to consider joining the Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome in December and to Spain in June. 

Now to a couple of other matters.  You will probably not be surprised to learn that 83 funerals took place in this parish during 2024.  This means we have 83 souls to remember in our prayers, but also that we have a large number of bereaved family members and friends whom we are asked to support.  Our Bereavement Contact Group does sterling work in making contact with the bereaved, but there is more that we can be doing.  With this in mind, I have decided to offer a monthly Mass on the last Friday of each month at 7pm in OLSG, for the Holy Souls.  The recently bereaved are especially invited to attend this Mass.  It will be followed by a social gathering in the Challoner Room. The first of these Masses will take place at 7 pm on Friday 31st January.  All are welcome.

Lastly, I wonder whether any parishioners are still pondering their new year resolutions?  If so, how about supporting and enhancing the musical offerings in the parish?  We have opportunities for singers, organists and instrumentalists. I am very grateful to those who already make music here in the parish. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, though, if we could use this Jubilee Year to improve and enhance our joyful noise, so that God’s glory is sung even more beautifully in this place?  With tuneful greetings to all. 

Father Daniel

Readings at Mass Today

First Reading


Second Reading


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Pastoral Letter on Assisted Suicide

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has issued a pastoral letter on assisted suicide that will be read in the churches of his diocese on the weekend of 12-13 October. Here is a link to the text and audio on the diocesan website:

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