The ‘Forty Hours’ is a special period of continuous prayer during which the Eucharist is exposed in a monstrance for adoration. The devotion begins with Mass at 7pm on Thurs 4th June, followed by continuous adoration over a forty hour period including through both Thurs and Fri nights. It ends with the Vigil Mass for the feast of Corpus Christi at 6pm on Sat 6th June followed by Benediction. For programme schedule see back of this newsletter.
Individuals and parish groups are invited to sign the chart in the porch to show when they can watch and pray. We show our devotion to the Lord as a parish by maintaining this constant ‘gaze on the face of the Lord’ for forty hours, so please try to fill any gaps. The most difficult times to cover will be Thurs and Fri night; we would be very grateful to those particularly generous few who join us during the night!
Please pray that these forty hours will result in many graces and blessings for the Proclaim 15 initiative as well as for our parish.
Every Day