The sweeping, dusting, window cleaning, hoovering, brass rubbing and various other cleaning jobs are done by a team of enthusiastic volunteers.
Our parish is truly blessed with the beautiful gardens and grounds at both our churches. The volunteer team of gardeners always needs help.
The Our Lady of Walsingham Committee assists the Parish Priest in the running of our Chapel of Ease, Our Lady of Walsingham & the English Martyrs.
Is available for hire by all parishioners and provides an excellent facility for family occasions such as baptisms, birthdays and anniversary celebrations. Very competitive rates. Booking form and further information is a...
The planned giving envelope scheme has been running for many years, providing a stable and regular offertory income for the parish. Parishioners receive a box of envelopes for each Sunday of the year and if possible commi...
The Repository provides religious books, cards and other goods and is run by a team of volunteers.