The Lay Fraternity of Blessed Brother Charles de Foucauld (sometimes known as Jesus Caritas Fraternity) is a prayer group that calls for deeper spirituality, following the example of smallness, humility and silent adoration, as exemplified by Brother Charles. Come and enjoy some sacred space to Relax, Pray and Meditate.
What we do
Simple relaxation exercises to quieten the mind in openness to the promptings of the Lord, followed by a study of a biblical passage and a time for quiet meditation. Occasionally we look into the lives of the saints and seek their inspiration. A brief time follows when we are free to share our own thoughts, in confidence, with those present. We listen to each other in non-judgemental charity. Our meeting concludes with intercessions for the needs of our world, our Church, family and friends.
When and where
Tuesday mornings 10.30am-11.15am in the Richard Challoner Room. Entrance via the Presbytery. We welcome all who wish to spend quality time with the Lord.
More Information
Please contact Kathy Carroll via reception.