Welcome to the Enfield Justice and Peace Group
We are an enthusiastic and friendly group committed to raising awareness and working for a more just and peaceful world.
Our group is rooted in the Parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St George but we welcome anyone who agrees with our aims.
We usually meet once a month on a weekday evening within the Parish currently via Zoom.
Read more about our history and a typical year with us on the About Us tab.
Next Meeting:
We are active around the year. Please follow our Facebook link to find out about our most up-to-date meetings and events.
Please come and join us. We always welcome new members and with extra help we can achieve more.
We look forward to meeting you!
Contact us
justiceandpeaceenfield [at] live [dot] co [dot] uk or via presbytery reception.
The Justice and Peace Group was formed in March 1992 to work in the Parish and with other Christians and community groups to raise awareness and join in actions.
Find out more about the National Justice and Peace Network here.
The issue of a ban on landmines, which the group has campaigned for and on which action is now being taken globally, is just one example of the ripple effect that many small contributions from groups such as ours across the world can have.
What do we do?
Our events vary according to international and national situations, but we do the following every year:
In the late autumn we send hundreds of greetings cards to prisoners of conscience. Some are later freed, but at least even those still in prison know someone out there cares for them.
We have annual collections for the Manna Centre for homeless people in central London.
We do all we can to support CAFOD & Christian Aid.
We promote fair trade.
We are involved in the Climate Justice Campaign and continue to be involved in the campaign to cancel Third World Debt & for Trade Justice.
We also meet for discussions, relevant films and arrange guest speakers. Our meetings are also a good way to meet new people.
A typical year for our group
Peace Sunday – We make a Peace Shrine at the back of church and a display at the Chapel of Ease. We distribute Peace Prayer Cards and organize a Peace petition.
Homeless Sunday – We organise the collection of groceries, toiletries and clothes at all masses for the Manna Society who work with the homeless at London Bridge.
Stations of the Cross – Held with reflections from Archbishop Oscar Romero
Group attends Oscar Romero memorial service at St Martin-in-the-Fields
Group takes part in Stop Climate Chaos march.
CAFOD Lenten Fast Day – Group distributes fast day envelopes at all Masses.
Group shows Christian Aid Film called “The Great African Scandal” in the parish to create awareness about our Fairtrade efforts.
Guest speaker from the Manna Society speaks in the parish about their work with the homeless.
Group organises Climate Justice card signing and talks are given at all Masses.
Guest speaker from CAFOD Sierra Leone office speaks as part of Parish Feast.
Racial Justice Sunday – Leaflets are distributed after all Masses in collaboration with an Anglican parish.
Group takes part in inter-faith visits.
CAFOD Harvest Fast Day
Fair Trade Fayre – Held after morning Masses with stalls from Traidcraft, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Pax Christi. Free samples of tea coffee and fruit juice are distributed to help get the fair trade message across. Fairly traded refreshments served.
Prisoner of Conscience Greeting Card Campaign – Together with three local Anglican parishes over 600 greeting cards are sent to prisoners of conscience overseas.
Poverty in the UK
North Enfield FoodbankThe group supports the Parish monthly collection of food and essentials for North Enfield Foodbank led by Christine. |
The Manna SocietyThe group supports an annual collection of food, clothing and essentials for The Manna Society The Manna staff and dedicated volunteers offer respect and loving care to those who come to the Day Centre near London Bridge Station. On average, we cater for around 120-150 people per day – mostly men. Approximately three quarters of our clients are homeless. The Manna Day Centre was founded by Nannette French and opened to the homeless in 1982. |
Poverty Overseas
We do all we can to support the work of Cafod and Christian Aid such as organizing collections, stalls, thought provoking film nights and visiting speakers. This year we are organizing a petition to go for Zero Emissions. cafod.org.uk/Campaign/Climate We hold twice yearly CAFOD fast days and support their various Global Justice Campaigns. |
CAFOD DayMembers of the Justice and Peace group attending a CAFOD day in advance of Harvest Fast Day. Members of the group learned about issues of Global Hunger and how CAFOD partners are supporting those affected. |
In the autumn we hold a Prisoner of Conscience Greeting Card Campaign
Together with three local Anglican parishes we send over 600 greeting cards sent to prisoners of conscience overseas. Some are later freed but even those who aren’t know that someone out there cares for them.
The Live Simply Campaign
“The LiveSimply award gives national recognition to Catholic parishes making a difference to their community – and the world.
Reflecting on our faith, supporting our brothers and sisters at home and overseas, and living in tune with God’s creation are all things we aspire to as Catholics. It’s up to us to turn these aspirations into action.
The LiveSimply award gives national recognition to Catholic parishes making a difference to their community – and the world!
From making your church buildings more environmentally friendly to supporting Fairtrade, there are many ways that you can work towards an award. You might even be doing some of these things already.
Taking part really is an opportunity to inspire your congregation and neighbourhood with a message of hope and transformation. It’s also a way of engaging with big issues such as global poverty. And in your parishes, through the actions you take, the LiveSimply award is a chance to make a difference to the lives of the world’s poorest men and women.
Put your faith into action, strengthen the bonds of community, and nourish your spiritual life.”
Lent 2021 – CAFOD Walk for Water
Find out about the campaign here walk.cafod.org.uk/ and read about one of our parishioners who took part rcdow.org.uk/news/enfield-parishioner-joins-cafod-in-walking-for-water/
Pax Christi
“Pax Christi, Peace of Christ, is a gospel-based lay-inspired, peacemaking movement. Founded in the Catholic Church, its membership is open to individuals, groups and organisations of all faiths who are in sympathy with its aims and values. It is affiliated to Pax Christi International.Pax Christi strives to help the Church and the wider community to proclaim and to make peace, through its experience and ideas, and especially through the witness and action of its members.
The three major objectives of Pax Christi are:
- reconciliation
- the promotion of a culture of peace and nonviolence
- providing the means to bring about peace,
e.g. through peace education, resources and training.”
To mark Peace Sunday we make a Peace Shrine at the back of church and a display at the Chapel of Ease. We distribute Peace Prayer Cards and organize a Peace petition.
Members of the group will join Pax Christi Annual Ash Wednesday liturgy at the Ministry of Defence, London. This is an interesting event.
Remembering St. Oscar Romero of El Salvador
Each 24th March we mark the anniversary of the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador. |
St. Oscar Romero said: |
We performed the Stations of the Cross using reflections by St. Oscar Romero at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St George in Enfield. We remember our friends in El Salvador and Brazil and across Latin America. |
Find out more about the life and work of St. Oscar Romero here. |