A dedicated team of Eucharistic ministers takes Holy Communion to the sick and housebound of our parish, sharing in Christ’s ministry to the sick by bringing the Body of Christ to those who are unable to attend Mass.
What we do
If you know someone who is Catholic and housebound, who would like to receive Holy Communion at home, please speak to one of the priests.
Or, if you know of any Catholic who will be in Chase Farm Hospital for any length of time, speak to one of the priests or contact reception.
What we need
Taking Holy Communion to the sick is a very special and rewarding ministry. Just like those who minister the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass, it is an extension of the ministry of our priests. Anyone already commissioned as a Eucharistic minister for the parish is able to visit the sick with Holy Communion. We have many sick and housebound parishioners and need more help. If you would like to find out more, please speak to one of the priests.
One of the priests.